In, Out, In, Out, Shake it all About

Reading time 4 minutes


Hasn’t the whole EU Referendum campaign been ghastly? I’ve just wanted to run and hide in the garden until its all over. There’s no Boris in my bushes or Cameron among my calendulas. Farage hasn’t tried to deport my dahlias and Osborne isn’t insisting that I economise on echeverias (perhaps he should?). Gove most definitely isn’t to be found in my greenhouse. The garden is my sovereign territory and they are having no jurisdiction over it either way. As far as I’m concerned the whole lot of them belong on the compost heap, where they’d still be some use to humanity when they rot away, assuming politician decompose like the rest of us. Whatever the outcome on Friday, there are certain politicians that have descended to depths from which they will never rise in my estimation. Farage was down there already. It’s all been a little bit tawdry and embarrasing: not the greatest advert for Brand Britain.


Do you fancy "Leave" ......
Do you fancy “Leave” ……


In an inspired, tongue-in-cheek attempt to bring levity and beauty to polling day, GROW London have commissioned the wonderfully bonkers Fiona Haser Bizony from Electric Flower Daisy Farm to create floral headdresses representing the two opposing sides: “Remain” (the European flag) and “Leave” (the Union flag). They will be on show at GROW London from tonight until Sunday 26 June.


..... or "Remain"?
….. or “Remain”?


Personally I am “in”, although I also understand the heartfelt arguments for “out”. However, if I were to make a choice based on Fiona’s creations I’d have to vote “leave” just to enjoy the novelty of having conifer and spirea for sideburns. And who would not want love-in-a-mist woven into their barnet? I wonder if it’s an accident that “Remain” looks everso slightly Napoleonic?

Whether you’re in, out or shaking it all about as you watch us Brits trying to decide if we’re European or not, I hope you enjoy this light hearted tribute to today’s historic vote. I’ll be at home preparing my compost heap for some new high nitrogen fodder.

GROW London, the contemporary garden and lifestyle fair on Hampstead Heath opens this evening for a charity preview and runs until 26 June 2016. For top-notch nurseries, trendy tools and gorgeous gardenalia, I’d heartily recommend a visit.

All photography by Alma Hazer


Fiona Haser Bizony, owner of Electric Daisy Flower Farm
Fiona Haser Bizony, owner of Electric Daisy Flower Farm






Categories: Floral Art, Flower Shows, Flowers, Musings, Photography

Posted by The Frustrated Gardener

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25 comments On "In, Out, In, Out, Shake it all About"

  1. One of the benefits of living on a largish continent with a small population at the “arse end of the world” (not sure who coined that phrase and this is first time I’ve had cause to use it but it seems suitable for the occasion) is that Australians tend to be more interested in what’s happening in the rest of the world compared to the majority of Europeans and Americans who tend to focus more on their immediate surroundings and are therefore more insular.
    I daily read newspapers online from around the globe and have been following the Brexit vote fairly closely so very interested to read your more personal take on it Dan. I had no idea you would find it so ghastly, which from reading your post you clearly have. (Is this one of your three or four posts you’ve been having difficulty finishing?)
    Final thoughts? The bookies say you will stay in the EU and they never lose money. Secondly, while we might all want to consign our politicians to the compost heap, few of us are prepared to step and take their place.
    P.S. Got a great bargain on some white geraniums today!

    1. Good on you! It has not been a campaign that has shown many politicians in a good light, and I don’t think that’s just my opinion. They have only served to frighten people, rather than inform them. We’ve not known what to believe, apart from our own instincts. However, as the polls close, it looks like we might be remaining. Then some normality might return.

  2. Speaking of floral headdresses only, I prefer “leave” as well. Eye-catching design that makes me think, for whatever reason, of Napoleon. Or Wellington’s horse. As to the politicking, well, the good news is that the shouting should be over soon. And no vote ever seems to be quite as lifechanging (or as definitive) as the polticians would have you believe.

  3. I hope you ( the UK I mean) stay in the United Europe. I cannot imagine the EU without Britain – it would be the greatest gift fot Mr Putin … As fot the headdresses, I personally prefer the “Remain” one 🙂
    Waiting for Friday’s results I wish you already a great and sunny weekend – it is +32*C at my place now and tomorrow’s forecast says it will be +34*C!!! UFFF!

    1. Goodness, that’s warm. We are suffering thunder storms and flooding and it’s very humid in London right now. I hope we will be remaining, provided common sense prevails. However I do think the EU as an organisation needs to reform itself. Hope you can enjoy a lazy day, sleeping in the sun 🌞

  4. This is the one and only political chuckle I’ve had lately. I’m not sure how bad it is over in your neighborhood, but I bet we have you beat with our two candidates. Ugly is the word for what’s going on over here. Maybe they each need a flower headdress although I can’t quite picture it. Thanks for the chuckle although the topic is quite heavy I’m sure. 🙂

    1. True enough, I wouldn’t swap you any number of our politicians for Trump. He’s something of a laughing stock over here I’m afraid, but I’m not sure we’d be laughing if he were elected. Counting in the referendum has just begun, and by the time we wake up in the morning we’ll know if we are in or we are out. Glad I made you chuckle 🙂

  5. Thank you for a most amusing piece. It is a case of you have to laugh because otherwise you’d cry. If the news reports in the US are any indication, as well as my own opinion, Brexit would be a bad move, but we will all know tomorrow (given the time difference!) And yes, Trump is a laughing stock here, as well, with many of us, though a frightening one. I do believe there are still a majority of sane voters in our country and that we will be saved in the end. But you have him now, as he has traveled to Scotland to attend to his golf course. Please keep him as long as possible!

    1. No thanks! We have enough foreign billionaires here already.

      We voted for “Brexit”. Only time will tell if this is such a bad move but the mood in London is a bit sombre this morning.

  6. That is the wind of change… let’s hope it’s for the better like in Poland some time ago… We should not be scared by the journalists and politicians. The compost heap may be a comfortable sector in my garden for them.

  7. Totally stunned at the Brexit vote and not the only one clearly. Busy reading the papers and we have had excellent coverage of the whole vote. Not at all good for the finance markets so not thrilled at the moment!
    Will be an interesting time ahead.

    1. We are still reeling. Had quite a lot to drink last night at a 21st birthday party (alas not mine!) but have woken up and the decision is still the same. I hope things settle down as soon as possible and don’t become too bitter. Have a wonderful weekend!

      1. It is up to us to keep morale high. I have plenty of jokes to go around. We mustn’t forget is about the people not the politics. Like to think Jo Cox would have said the same.

  8. The only time I’ve been able to laugh at the referendum since the vote came in on Friday morning, so thanks! I had a dentist’s appointment on Friday as well and the pain of both was beyond bearing! I guess you can imagine that many folk here feel they have been put out with the trash. Like Europeans living in the so-called United Kingdom.

    1. I can imagine, but be assured that this is not how the majority really feel. It will be a big change, but I am sure it will work out one way or another. As for the dentist, I can’t offer much comfort in that regard. I am not a fan either!

  9. i voted to leave, it was the easiest vote ive ever made.
    we were losing £30million a day in payments to them for nothing.

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